
The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) website serves as the portal for resources that a local educational agency (LEA) will need to administer the ELPAC.


  1. The CDE and ETS are currently working on guidance for remote testing. LEAs should not attempt remote testing until guidelines have been shared by ETS.
  2. Various CAASPP and ELPAC systems will be unavailable for scheduled system downtime Friday, August 14 at 5 p.m. through Thursday, August 20, 2023 at 8 a.m. For additional details, see the ELPAC Planned System Downtime web page.
  3. LEAs using materials from the 2023–2023 Initial ELPAC administration to administer the 2023–2021 Initial ELPAC, should use the 2023–2021 audio files within 2023–2021 fq必下app external icon.

  4. August 3, 2023: Initial ELPAC Administration and Scoring Training (AST) Webinar

    On August 3, 2023, from 1–2 p.m., the CDE and SCOE will be hosting an Initial ELPAC AST webinar. The purpose of this webinar is to support new staff responsible for overseeing Initial ELPAC AST for Test Examiners in their LEAs. The webinar will provide training resources, give suggestions for conducting virtual trainings, and share current guidelines for one-on-one testing during the COVID-19 global pandemic. There will also be a time dedicated to answering questions submitted by participants. fq软件安卓 external icon.

  5. fq必备app

    The CDE-sponsored statewide computer-based Initial ELPAC Administration and Scoring Trainings were cancelled. LEA ELPAC coordinators and other test examiners can fulfill their training requirements by accessing the ELPAC Administration and Scoring Moodle Training Site external icon. Trainers must be certified by August 1, 2023. More information can be found on the Computer-based Initial ELPAC Administration and Scoring Trainings web page. Test Examiners should be certified in the Moodle Training Site external icon prior to administering the Initial ELPAC.

    Every LEA—whether the LEA has enrolled English learners or not—must complete CDE state-sponsored or regional Initial ELPAC Administration and Scoring Trainings, or enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a neighboring LEA that has agreed to train test examiners or administer the Initial ELPAC. LEAs should submit MOUs by August 1, 2023 to fq必下app.

  6. The Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments will remain available to be administered remotely, without the use of a secure browser, through the 2023–2021 school year. Visit the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments fq必备app page to find directions and resources for using the interim assessments for distance learning.
  7. Implications of COVID-19

    Please visit the 怎么能访问Google? - Youth.cn:2021-11-23 · 使用“VPN”软件 此类软件较多,操作也比较简单,这里不给出具体软件名称,请自己百度。大部分软件都提供免费试用,下载软件后,注册一个帐号;登录后,选择适合自己的线路进行访问。 web page for up-to-date information and updates on the impacts of the changes in regard to the novel coronavirus disease 2023 (COVID-19). This can be found within the [fq必备app] navigation tab. Details will be added and updated on this web page as they become available. The “Last Updated” date will allow LEAs to easily monitor when a change occurs.



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Technology Resources

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Additional Resources

  • California Department of Education ELPAC Information